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Chronic knee pain problems are often the result of an inability of either the FOOT/ANKLE or HIP to slow the knee down. When we see a knee that COLLAPSES INWARD during squats or landing from a box jump, the muscles that are most often doing TOO MUCH WORK, are those that make up the inner thigh. The muscles that AREN'T DOING ENOUGH are those that make up the outer thigh. empire style wedding wears with high waist
WHAT THIS MEANS: Your hip is out alignment.
...WHAT MOVEMENTS ARE MESSED UP: During a squat, we will see you shift your hips form one side to the other and see one knee cave inward.
WHY THIS HAPPENS: Could be a number of things we need to assess. It could be an arm that doesn't flex well, an SI joint that is locked up or a foot that flattens. WE JUST NEED TO LOOK.
GET a Personalized Mobility Plan. Please message me for details.
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