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46 years ago I went to the cheapest wedding ever. Right around $300. Mom made the dresses, Kathy Lemke arranged for harpsicord music, Jerry handled the photographer and cake. And I think don lawler bought the flowers with money from his part time jobs. The liquor store provided beer and champagne at cost. Reception was at the house I grew up in. The wedding party consisted of Therese Lawler and Phil Lawler. Greg and I each had two guest families invited (outside of relatives who could fill a cathedral). The priest would not take any money because we were poor students. (He actually gave us a cross as a gift - he baptized me 19 yrs earlier.) It was a wonderful night. We went to Milwaukee for 1 night for our honeymoon. It isn't the wedding that makes the difference, it's the quality of the person you marry. casual wedding garment look flapper